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Various FAQ about checking Pnr status



What is PNR Status ?

PNR Number is shortform of “Passanger Name record”. How PNR helps ? with the help of PNR you get  an individual identity of your booking info and  with the help of this identity, your booking status and information regarding it can be accessed using website of IRCTC. So we can conclude that PNR represents your booking Status.An 10-digit unique code given to you , determines your PNR. Moreover PNR is per ticket and not per person. E.g:-  If 10 tickets of  family members are booked together on IRCTC , then Only one PNR number will be allocated to it.  So per booking , PNR number will be allocated and not per ticket.

Where to find your PNR number ?

On the online printout of the ticket from IRCTC(e-ticket) or ticket you obtained from booking counter(issued by railway authority)  will  help you find your  PNR number. PNR number is located  on the top-left side of the ticket. PNR Status IRCTC of the ticket is generally splitted into 3-7(digits) patteern.  e.g(ab1-5599878).Also, if you are booking tickets online then you get PNR number through message , so incase if you don’t have E-ticket you can look for PNR number from that message.

How Pnr works ?


Why us ?

With the help of , you can check the Indian PNR status of your train as seen in IRCTC, but to  we are not any partner or affiliates of Irctc. You can check your Pnr status here without any difficulty . The main intention to create this site was to help the user’s who wish to check Pnr status of Irctc, without being troubled by  the lagging of Irctc servers. Here we have developed an special System such that you can check your PNR status. Same as seen on IRCTC site on this   platform  for 24 hours , without being troubled.The main benefit about this site is that , It is handy easy to use and you don’t have to face any extra popins, You can easily check your Pnr status at any moment of day.

Our Vision

We wish to provide best and fastest results in terms of checking Pnr of Irctc, We are always on the web so if any trouble or Queries , it can be easily solved. Our aim to serve people and take care about there comfort zone and , we have developed an interface which will enable you to check you Pnr status, With the result derived from irctc server at  your hands in time of wink of an eye. So happily Check PNR Status and waiting list of India’s one and only dumb sites and PNR Status Live on our site or try Check IRCTC PNR Status
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