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PNR Status

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Quickly check PNR Status of your train tickets here. Fast IRCTC PNR Status check, easier than Indian Railways site. When we buy ticket from IRCTC we get unique 10 digit number called PNR number. PNR Number is the Passenger Name Record Locator. You can find your PNR Number of top-left corner of your ticket. With the help of PNR you can find information related to your ticket booking status, coach number of train, list of passanger and more.

PNR Status Check

Question: How to Check PNR Status Online?
Answer: Once you have your 10 digit IRCTC PNR Number, you can type in your PNR number in text box above and Hit ‘GET PNR STATUS’ button. Within moments we would get pnr status details from servers and would whether your ticket is confirmed or not. You can Print PNR Status details for carrying it for your journey

Railway PNR Status

PNR Status is issued by Indian Railways at

PNR Status Offline

If you dont have internet, then you can irctc PNR Status offline with the help of SMS helpline by Indian Railways or calling helpline for PNR! Below we have listed different methods to check your IRCTC PNR Status

  • Online PNR Status : You can try Indian Railways or Check PNR Status IRCTC
  • PNR Status on SMS : Type your “PNR {PNR-Number-here}” and send it to 5888 or 139 or 5676747 or 57886.
  • PNR Status on Call : Dial 139 from your mobile number and following instruction carefully!


PNR stands for ‘Passenger Name Record’. It is the unique < 10 Digit > number linked to each railway booking / train ticket done either online or offline. This applies to either individual or a group booking. A single PNR number can be generated for a maximum of six passengers. You will find it on the top left corner of your railway ticket. It is a travel record maintained by the Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS) in their Centralized Reservation System containing entire passenger details such as Name, Gender, Age, Contact; and journey details like Train Number, Class, Berth Preference, Boarding Date, Boarding Point, Destination amongst others. With a PNR Number you can follow up with the Current Status of your reservation and check whether it is confirmed or not.

How to Check PNR Status?

You can check the PNR Status of your reservation by entering the unique 10 digit number linked to your booking and clicking on ‘Get PNR Status’ (no hyphen ‘-’ required in typing the number). This will produce the current status of your booking vis-a-vis your booking status. This information is collected from the servers.

Some common abbreviations are: CNF-ConfirmedRAC – Reservation Against Cancellation, or WL – Waitlist.

How does Indian Railways Booking Work?

When all the available seats on a train are sold, the system releases RACs (Reservation Against Cancellation). Once all the RAC quota is exhausted, WL (Waitlist) Tickets are released. So, if a person cancels his/her confirmed booking, the next person in queue is moved up in the same order. Quite simple.

Note: Even after Chart Preparations (soon before train departure) if seats are available, RAC/WL candidates can be assigned seats.

For example if you ticket says WL6/WL2 it means you joined the waitlist at no. 6 but by the time you actually bought the ticket, you moved to position 2 (due to multiple realtime factors such as cancellations etc.) Three scenarios:

1. WL#/ WL# – Waitlisted: Cannot board the Train

2. WL#/RAC# – RAC: You can board the train but may have to share a berth.

3. WL#/CNF – Confirmed: You can board the train with confirmed berth.

Check PNR Status Codes

Here is the complete list of codes:

CNF/Confirmed: Confirmed Booking. In some cases Coach/Seat/Berth number will be available after chart preparation.

RACReservation Against Cancellation. You can travel with a co passenger by sharing a single seat. In case, any confirmed traveler cancels his ticket, you get his seat. You can even travel in AC coaches with a RAC ticket. The number denotes the number of cancellations you have to wait, before your ticket to be confirmed.

R##: RAC Coach No., Berth No. RAC, with two number are displayed, first one is Coach No. and the other is Berth No.

WL#Waitlist. Your ticket has not been confirmed for the given date. In case of an e-ticket, there is automatic cancellation after the chart is prepared.

RLWL#:Remote Location Waitlist. These are wait listed tickets issued by stations in the middle of and for part travels. Every train consists of a number of Remote Location Quotas, each with a fixed number of seats reserved. When the Source station of the passenger is one of these marked stations, or some stations after that, the RLWL quota is applicable on the reservations. This has fewer number of seats compared to GNWL.

CK#Tatkal (Priority) Booking. You can book a Tatkal ticket 72 hours prior to traveling. You will find the confirmed seat and coach number.

CKWL#Waiting under the Tatkal Booking. When a Tatkal waiting is confirmed, you get a confirmed personal seat, where as with general reservation, your ticket moves in the RAC category.

GNWL#General Waiting List. Ticket with a GNWL is issued when the Source station of the passenger is the Source station of the train or one of the stations near to it. This quota has the highest number of seats in any given train and has the highest probablity of getting confirmed at the time of final charting. You cannot board a train. If booked from a station, you may travel in the general compartment in some cases.

PQWL#Pooled Quota Wait List. Waiting status when a ticket is booked through a Railway Quota. Pooled Quota is kept for an very important sub-route within the full route, if the sub-route is popular and deserves its own quota. Usually this will be from originating station and nearby stations, to a popular town other than the destination that comes en route. This has fewer seats as compared to GNWL, thus a lesser probability for confirmation.

REGRET/WLNo More Booking Permitted. This appears when you are booking your ticket and no more booking are allowed.

CAN/MODTicket is Cancelled or Modified. Your ticket is modified or cancelled after the initial booking.

Released: It means that ticket is  not confirmed in the given berth , but an alternative berth to it is provided.


We at CheckPNRStatusIRCTC believe that Indian Residents should check their ticket’s pnr status hassle free with our IRCTC PNR Status website online quickly! We are not affiliated with IRCTC or Indian Railways but we are surely here to make their work easy and give better experience to traveller for their Journey via Train or Plane. If you like our site then dont forget to share your experience on Facebook, Twitter or on your personal blog and like us below! An incomplete list of other words intending to reach this page: PnrStatus, Pnr states, पनर, Indian Railway Enquiry, PNR , pnr no, IRCTC Enquiry, Train Enquiry.